The Sonata is a horror-thriller film that tells the story of a young and talented violinist named Rose Fisher. Following her father's recent death, Rose discovers that he had kept a mysterious score hidden in their family home for years. The score leads her to a secluded mansion in rural France, where her father's legacy is waiting for her.

As she begins to delve into her father's past, Rose realizes that his obsession with the composition was not just about music. There is something dark and sinister behind it, and as she uncovers the truth, she unwittingly releases a malevolent presence that has been lurking in the mansion for centuries.

As supernatural occurrences start to haunt her, Rose must confront her deepest fears and tap into her musical talent to try and stop the evil force from overtaking her. Along the way, she meets a fellow musician, Charles Vernais, who helps her fight the malevolence and discover the unsettling secrets of the mansion.

The Sonata is a haunting and suspenseful film that combines a gripping mystery with beautiful musical performances, making it a must-see for horror and classical music fans alike.

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