"The Snow Queen 2: Refreeze" is a 2014 animated movie directed by Aleksey Tsitsilin. The movie is set after the events of the first movie and follows the adventures of Gerda, a young girl who is the only one capable of stopping the evil Snow Queen and her trolls.

In the second movie, Gerda and her friends are enjoying their peaceful lives in the village. Meanwhile, the trolls who had once helped Gerda have become more powerful and are living in luxury, thanks to their victory over the Snow Queen. Orm, the former troll who helped Gerda defeat the Snow Queen, is now considered a hero among his own kind. He dreams of marrying the princess and becoming the most powerful of all the trolls.

But when the Snow Queen's mirror is accidentally broken, the shards scatter across the land and begin to turn people against each other. Gerda and her friends set out to find the shards and put an end to the chaos. Along the way, they meet new characters, encounter dangerous obstacles, and face tough challenges.

Meanwhile, Orm becomes increasingly obsessed with his own power and begins to betray his friends in order to get what he wants. As the situation worsens, Gerda realizes that she must find a way to stop Orm and save her people.

In the end, Gerda and her friends succeed in their quest and restore peace to the land. Orm, who had once been a hero, is banished from the trolls' community for his selfishness and greed. Gerda, however, forgives him and offers him a chance to redeem himself. The movie ends with Gerda and her friends returning home, having learned important lessons about the true meaning of power and friendship.

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