The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol is a 2011 animated film directed by Troy Quane and based on the classic story by Charles Dickens. In this adaptation, Grouchy Smurf (voiced by George Lopez) is miserable during the holiday season and is determined to spoil the festivities for everyone else.

However, he is visited by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future (voiced by Melissa Sturm, Fred Armisen, and Gary Basaraba, respectively) who take him on a journey through time to show him the true meaning of Christmas.

Throughout his journey, Grouchy learns about the joy of giving, the importance of friendship, and the power of forgiveness. He also sees how his own actions are affecting the happiness of those around him, including his fellow Smurfs and their human friends, the Winslows.

In the end, Grouchy realizes the error of his ways and is filled with the spirit of Christmas. He joins in the celebrations with his friends and even makes amends with his longtime rival, Papa Smurf (voiced by Jonathan Winters).

The film features original music by Christopher Lennertz and a cast of other notable voice actors, including Alan Cumming, Katy Perry, and Anton Yelchin. It was released direct-to-video in the United States in November 2011.

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