The Sky Crawlers is a Japanese anime film directed by Mamoru Oshii, known for his work on Ghost in the Shell. The movie is set in an alternate universe where the world is at peace, but a never-ending war is waged between two factions of corporations called Rostock and Lautern. The war is fought in the skies using fighter planes called Yakusas.

The Kildren are genetically-engineered humans who are physically stuck in the teenage stage and are used as pilots for the Yakusas. They are manufactured by a corporation called Yuuko, which has found a way to halt the aging process. As a result, the Kildren can keep fighting for their entire lives without suffering from the physical exhaustion of aging.

The main protagonist of the movie is a Kildren pilot named Yuichi Kannami, who transfers from a different squadron to work for the Rostock Corporation. He soon discovers that his new colleagues are all Kildren and that they are fighting a meaningless war. Yuichi's personal life is interspersed with battle scenes, and he develops a romantic relationship with one of his colleagues, a Kildren pilot named Suito Kusanagi.

The conflict in the movie explores the themes of war, innocence, and the human condition. It questions whether fighting for one's own entertainment is morally justifiable, and whether living forever and being eternally young is a curse or a blessing.

Overall, The Sky Crawlers is a melancholic and thought-provoking film that juxtaposes war with youth and innocence. It emphasizes the importance of cherishing the present moment and living life to the fullest while acknowledging its transience.

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