The Skulls II is a 2002 thriller film and the sequel to the 2000 film The Skulls. The movie follows Ryan Sommers, a college student who is recruited into a secret society called "The Skulls." The Skulls are a prestigious organization made up of powerful and wealthy individuals who hold enormous influence and power.

Ryan is thrilled to be offered a spot in The Skulls but soon finds that the organization is more dangerous than he ever imagined. After witnessing a murder within the Skulls' private chambers, Ryan becomes desperate to expose the truth and bring the killer to justice.

As Ryan delves deeper into the secrets of The Skulls, he realizes that there are people willing to do anything to protect their organization's secrets. Ryan's life is threatened, and he is forced to make difficult choices about his allegiance to The Skulls and his own moral values.

The Skulls II stars Robin Dunne as Ryan Sommers, Ashley Lyn Cafagna as Ali, and Lindy Booth as Kelly. The movie is directed by Joe Chappelle and written by John Pogue. It is a suspenseful and intense thriller that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats with its twists and turns.

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