The Sisters Brothers is a dark comedy/western film directed by Jacques Audiard and based on the novel of the same name by Patrick deWitt. The film is set in 1851 during the California Gold Rush and follows the story of the Sisters brothers, Charlie and Eli, who are notorious assassins hired by a wealthy man known as the Commodore.

The Commodore has heard of Hermann Kermit Warm, a chemist and gold prospector, who has developed a chemical formula that can detect gold. The Commodore wants this formula for himself, so he sends the Sisters brothers after Hermann to capture him.

Charlie and Eli set out on their journey, encountering various characters along the way, including a prostitute named Mayfield, and a man named John Morris, who has been sent by the Commodore to help the brothers on their mission. As they travel, the Sisters brothers begin to question their own morality and the motives of the Commodore.

Meanwhile, Hermann has also made his way to California, accompanied by a man named Johnnie, who he has hired as a bodyguard. Hermann and Johnnie are searching for a peaceful life away from the violence of the gold rush.

Eventually, the paths of all these characters cross, leading to a final showdown between the Sisters brothers and Hermann, who has his own plans for the formula.

The Sisters Brothers received critical acclaim for its performances, direction, and screenplay. The film stars John C. Reilly and Joaquin Phoenix as the Sisters brothers, Jake Gyllenhaal as John Morris, and Riz Ahmed as Hermann Kermit Warm.

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