The Sinners is a 2020 horror movie directed by Courtney Paige. The movie tells the story of seven high school girls who form a cult that embodies the seven deadly sins. The girls live in a religious town where everyone knows each other's business and keeps a close eye on them.

The group consists of seven girls - Grace (Grace Kiley), Violet (Tahmoh Penikett), Samantha (Brenna Llewellyn), Sloth (Carly Fawcett), Envy (Jasmine Randhawa), Wrath (Alejandra Jenni) and Lust (Kaitlyn Bernard). Each girl personifies one of the seven sins.

As their rebellious acts escalate, rumours about them spread through the town, causing tension to rise among the religious folk. When one of the girls goes missing, the rest of the group is shrouded in suspicion, which then leads to more disappearances and an effort to unravel the mystery. Eventually, the girls start to question their own motives and existence as they fight for their survival and search for the truth.

The Sinners is a thrilling horror movie filled with secrets, suspense, and unexpected twists that will make your skin crawl. It's a story about obsession, identity, religion, friendship, and survival that will leave you guessing until the very end.

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