The Short History of the Long Road is a coming-of-age drama film that follows the story of Nola, a teenage girl, who has been living out of a van with her father, Clint, all her life. Clint is a charismatic man who lives a nomadic life and travels across the country in his van. He imparted his knowledge and teachings to Nola, and together, they have created a unique bond that most people cannot understand.

However, when Clint passes away unexpectedly, Nola is left alone to confront the harsh reality of her life on the road. She embarks on a journey to find her estranged mother, hoping that it will give her some sense of closure.

Nola's journey takes her through some of the most breathtaking landscapes of America, and she meets some interesting people along the way. As she travels, she learns to own her grief, deal with her past, and embrace her newfound independence.

The Short History of the Long Road is a heartwarming film that explores themes of love, loss, and self-discovery. It is a beautiful and poignant story that will leave a lasting impact on its viewers.

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