The Shed is a horror film directed by Frank Sabatella. The film's protagonist is Stan, a high school student who has been forced to live with his abusive grandfather after the death of his parents. Stan's life is further complicated by the fact that he is the only protector of Dommer, his best friend who is regularly bullied by a group of classmates.

One day, while exploring his backyard, Stan discovers a creature that has taken refuge inside a tool shed. The creature is demonic and appears to be responsible for a string of brutal murders in the town. Stan realizes that he is the only one who can stop the creature from harming anyone else, but he knows he cannot do it alone.

Stan confides in his friend Dommer about the creature and the two of them devise a plan to destroy it. However, when Dommer sees the creature and the power it possesses, he becomes obsessed with capturing it and using its power to get revenge on his bullies.

As the situation spirals out of control, both boys are forced to confront their own demons and the consequences of their actions. The Shed is a suspenseful horror film that explores themes of grief, revenge, and the power of friendship.

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