The Seen and Unseen is a 2017 Indonesian drama film directed by Kamila Andini. The film follows the story of a young girl named Tantri and her brother Tantra, who are inseparable and share everything, including their love for dance and performance. When Tantra falls seriously ill and is hospitalised, Tantri struggles to come to terms with his impending death. As she slips into dream sequences and magical parallel worlds, she uses costumes, body paint, and dance to explore her emotions and deal with her grief.

The film is set against the backdrop of Balinese philosophy, which divides the world into two realms: sekala (the seen world) and niskala (the unseen world). Tantri's journey is depicted through both of these realms as she seeks to find peace and acceptance in the face of loss.

The film was praised for its stunning visual imagery, evocative storytelling, and powerful performances by its young cast. It premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2017 and went on to win numerous accolades, including the Best Film award at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. The film is a poignant and moving exploration of grief, loss, and the human spirit's resilience in the face of tragedy.

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