The Secret Village is a psychological thriller that revolves around the mysterious events happening in a small village called New Bethlehem. The village has been suffering from mass hysteria and hallucinations for years, but the cause remains unknown.

Greg, an unsuccessful screenwriter who hopes to turn this mystery into a movie script, teams up with Rachel, a beautiful journalist who has been sent to cover the story. Together, they start to investigate the strange occurrences in the village, but soon discover that there is more to it than meets the eye.

They learn of a secret cult that has been poisoning the villagers with ergot, a fungus that causes hallucinations, as part of their religious ritual. The cult has been active in the village for years, and those who speak against it are either silenced or disappear.

As they delve deeper into the mystery, Greg suddenly disappears, leaving Rachel to continue the investigation alone. She becomes the scapegoat for the villagers, who believe that she is responsible for the deaths and disappearances that have been happening in the village.

Rachel must fight to prove her innocence and uncover the truth about the cult before she becomes their next victim. The closer she gets to the truth, the more dangerous the situation becomes, as she finds herself embroiled in a deadly battle against the cult's leader and his loyal followers.

The Secret Village is a dark and suspenseful movie that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With a gripping storyline, stunning cinematography, and strong performances from the cast, it is a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers.

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