The Second Arrival is a science-fiction film released in 1998. The movie starts with an astrophysicist named Zane Ziminski who discovered an alien signal that he believed was proof of extraterrestrial life. Unfortunately, he was killed before he could share his findings with the public.

After his death, five people received envelopes in the mail containing details of an alien invasion. The five are Bridget Riordan, a journalist who had worked with Zane, his brother Jack, and three scientists who had worked with Zane on his discovery. However, soon after they meet, one of the scientists is killed, leaving only four.

The group of four soon realizes that there is a sinister plot underway to cover up the fact that aliens have arrived on Earth and have taken on human form. They also discover that Zane had managed to gain control of a small piece of alien technology, which he left for them to find.

The group tries to convince the authorities and the public of the existence of aliens, but they are met with skepticism and resistance. Meanwhile, they are being pursued by the aliens who want the piece of technology back.

As the plot unfolds, the group becomes increasingly desperate, and the aliens become more aggressive. In the end, only Jack and Bridget are left alive, and they must use the alien technology to try and stop the invasion.

The Second Arrival is a thrilling and suspenseful movie that explores the themes of trust, betrayal, and the infiltration of alien life into human society. It is a sequel to the 1996 film Arrival.

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