The Search for One-eye Jimmy is a 1994 indie comedy-drama film directed by Sam Henry Kass. The story centers around a film school graduate named Les (played by Holt McCallany) who is enlisted by his childhood friend, Junior (played by Samuel L. Jackson), to make a documentary about their old Brooklyn neighborhood, Red Hook.

During filming, they learn about the disappearance of a local resident named One-eye Jimmy and decide to shift their focus onto the search for him. As they delve deeper into the investigation, they encounter a colorful cast of characters, including a group of eccentric brothers who believe they have psychic powers and can help find Jimmy, a local bar owner who may have information about Jimmy's disappearance, and a mentally disturbed man who may be connected to Jimmy's disappearance.

Through this journey, Les also reconnects with his past and grapples with how much Red Hook has changed since his childhood.

The film received positive reviews for its quirky characters and unique approach to storytelling. It also features early performances from notable actors such as Steve Buscemi, Michael Badalucco, and Jennifer Beals.

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