The protagonist of the movie, Jon, is a Danish immigrant who has settled in America with his wife and son. One day, his family is brutally murdered by a gang known as the Delarue, led by a notorious outlaw named Henry Delarue. Jon seeks justice for his family and kills Henry Delarue in a fit of rage.

The death of their leader sends the Delarue gang into a frenzy, and they vow revenge on Jon. Despite the threat, Jon refuses to leave town and instead prepares himself for the inevitable attack. However, he soon realizes that he cannot count on his cowardly fellow townspeople, who betray him by revealing his hiding place to the Delarue gang.

With no one to turn to, Jon is forced to embark on a dangerous journey alone to hunt down the Delarue gang and seek revenge for his family's murder. Along the way, he meets a mute Native American woman named Madelaine, who joins him on his quest.

As Jon gets closer to his goal, he faces more challenges and dangerous situations, including a tense showdown with the Delarue gang in a deserted town. In the end, Jon gets his revenge, but at a great cost - he becomes a ruthless killer himself, leaving him to question whether the price of vengeance was worth it.

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