The Runner follows Aiden, a high school student who is struggling with his grades and getting into trouble with drugs. After being caught with drugs on school property, Aiden is given an ultimatum by his local police department: either help bring down a notorious drug kingpin or face serious jail time.

Aiden reluctantly agrees to go undercover for the police, but quickly finds himself in over his head as he navigates the seedy world of drug trafficking. As he gains the trust of the kingpin, Aiden begins to realize that the stakes are higher than he ever imagined, and he could lose his life at any moment.

As the pressure mounts and Aiden's loyalty is tested, he must find a way to stay alive while bringing down the dangerous drug operation. Will he succeed in his mission, or will his past mistakes catch up with him and end in tragedy?

Starring Nicolas Cage as the lead detective in charge of Aiden's case, The Runner is a tense and thrilling crime drama that explores the consequences of misguided youth and the lengths one must go to make amends.

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