The Rock is a 1996 action film directed by Michael Bay and starring Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery, and Ed Harris. The film is set on Alcatraz Island, a former prison that is now a tourist attraction and military base. The plot revolves around a group of rogue U.S. Marines led by General Hummel (Harris), who have taken control of the island and taken 81 tourists hostage. The Marines threaten to launch deadly VX gas missiles at San Francisco unless their demands, including the payment of $100 million to the families of fallen soldiers, are met.

To prevent this, the FBI sends agent Stanley Goodspeed (Cage), a chemical weapons expert, to the island along with John Mason (Connery), a former SAS operative and the only man who has ever escaped from Alcatraz. Goodspeed is tasked with disarming the missiles, while Mason's role is to guide him through the island's maze-like structure. As Goodspeed and Mason work together to thwart the terrorists, they face numerous obstacles, including booby traps and violent clashes with the Marines.

As the deadline for the missile launch draws closer, tensions rise and the stakes become higher. Goodspeed and Mason must rely on their wits and combat skills to overcome the Marines and save the city from a catastrophic attack. Along the way, they uncover numerous conspiracies and secrets, including the truth behind Mason's imprisonment and his connection to the mission. In the end, the two men emerge as unlikely heroes, having saved countless lives and prevented a disaster of monumental proportions.

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