The Rising Hawk is a historical action film that tells the story of Zakhar Berkut, a legendary Ukrainian warrior, who leads a small group of mountain hunters in a battle against the invading Mongol horde. The film is set during the 13th century when the Mongol Empire was expanding its territory, and their invasion of the Carpathian Mountains threatened the very existence of the local people.

The film starts with a brutal attack by the Mongol horde on a peaceful Ukrainian village. The survivors, including the Berkut brothers and their families, flee to the mountains to seek refuge. However, soon they realize that they are not safe even in the mountains as the Mongols are closing in on them.

Zakhar Berkut, portrayed by Robert Patrick, is a wise and fearless warrior who understands the enemy's tactics and capabilities and knows that a direct confrontation would be suicidal. He convinces the other mountain hunters to use their knowledge of the terrain, their hunting skills, and their experience with guerrilla warfare to fight the enemy.

The Mongols, led by the cruel khan Burunda, portrayed by Tsegmed-Ulziikhutag, are determined to destroy the Carpathian settlements and take revenge on the Berkut brothers for their daring raid on their camp. They use every means at their disposal, including torture and bribery, to find the secret passage in the mountains that will allow them to bypass the defense and attack the Carpathian villages from the rear.

The film is filled with intense and brutal fight scenes that showcase the skill and bravery of the mountain hunters as they use their unique weapons, such as bows and arrows, spears, and axes, to fight the Mongol warriors who are armed with swords, shields, and bows. The battle scenes are realistic and convey the brutality of war without glorifying it.

The Rising Hawk also delves into the personal lives and relationships of the characters, especially Zakhar Berkut and his family. The film portrays the struggles of the Ukrainian people to preserve their culture and independence in the face of foreign invasion and oppression.

Overall, The Rising Hawk is a captivating and well-made action film that tells an important story about Ukrainian history and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

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