The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny follows the lives of three criminals - Fatty, Trinity Moses, and Leocadia Begbick - who establish the city of Mahagonny as a place where people can indulge in their deepest desires without judgment. As the city grows, it becomes a symbol of excess and corruption, with residents engaging in hedonistic behaviors such as gluttony, promiscuity, and violence.

Mahagonny attracts people from all walks of life, including Jimmy Mahoney, a young man who is looking for a place to escape his past and start anew. However, as Jimmy becomes entangled in the city's web of decadence, he begins to question the values and morals of Mahagonny.

As the city spirals out of control, a sense of lawlessness and chaos descends upon Mahagonny. The residents are eventually faced with the consequences of their actions as their world crumbles around them.

The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny is a powerful commentary on the destructive nature of greed and the pursuit of pleasure at the expense of humanity. Through its vivid characters and intense narrative, the production sheds light on the dark side of society and the consequences of unchecked capitalism.

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