The Return of the Living Dead is a horror-comedy movie released in 1985. The film follows the story of two employees, Frank and Freddy, who work at a medical supply warehouse. One night, they accidentally release a gas that had been stored in a military container in the basement. The gas resurrects a cadaver and turns it into a zombie that attacks and kills them.

As the gas spreads throughout the town, the dead start rising from their graves and attacking the living. The only way to kill them is to destroy their brains, which they eat to sustain their undead existence. The town is soon overrun by the zombies, and a group of friends, including Freddy's love interest, Tina, and her friends, Burt and Ernie, try to find a way to survive.

Meanwhile, the manager of the medical supply warehouse, Burt's boss, and a team of medical professionals try to contain the outbreak and stop the zombies from spreading. However, they soon realize that the only way to destroy the zombies is to destroy the whole town with a nuclear explosion.

The movie is known for its humor, witty dialogue, and special effects that make the zombies look incredibly gruesome. It is also praised for its soundtrack, which includes punk rock songs from the 80s. The Return of the Living Dead is a cult classic that has influenced many films and TV shows in the zombie genre.

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