The Reluctant Astronaut is a 1967 comedy film directed by Edward Montagne and stars Don Knotts, Leslie Nielsen, Joan Freeman, and Jeanette Nolan. The film follows the journey of Roy Fleming, a timid and nervous man who is afraid of heights and is forced to participate in the space program by his father.

Roy's father, Buck Fleming, is a former astronaut who has always dreamed of his son following in his footsteps. When Roy learns that his father has signed him up for the space program, he tries to back out, but his father persuades him to go to Houston. However, Roy is disappointed to find out that his job at NASA is not as an astronaut, but as a janitor.

Despite his disappointment, Roy puts on a brave face for his family and friends and pretends to be an astronaut. However, his fear of heights causes him to struggle with the various tasks assigned to him. When NASA decides to send an ordinary person into space to test a new spacecraft, Roy sees it as an opportunity to prove his worth and conquer his fear of heights.

With the help of Dr. Fleming (played by Nielsen), who is in charge of the mission, Roy undergoes intensive training, including weightlessness training and flight simulations. Despite his initial difficulties, Roy manages to pass all the tests and is selected to go into space.

As the launch day approaches, Roy becomes increasingly nervous, but he manages to overcome his fear and successfully completes the mission. Back on Earth, he is hailed as a hero, but he admits to his family and friends that he was only a janitor and not an astronaut. However, they are proud of him nonetheless for overcoming his fear and completing the mission.

Overall, The Reluctant Astronaut is a funny and heartwarming film that explores themes of courage and overcoming fear. Don Knotts delivers a great performance as the nervous and bumbling Roy Fleming, and the supporting cast is equally strong. The film's blend of comedy and drama makes it an enjoyable watch for audiences of all ages.

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