The Reliant follows the story of 19-year-old Faith (played by actress Nicole Weider) as she struggles to survive in a world that has been devastated by economic collapse and social unrest. Faith, along with her siblings (played by actors Blake Burt and Ben Davies), is forced to flee to a small cabin located in a remote stretch of woods in order to avoid the violence and lawlessness that has taken hold of the cities.

As they try to survive in the wilderness, the siblings are forced to confront their own fears and doubts, including their faith in God and their belief in the possibility of a better future. As their resources begin to dwindle and the dangers of the world outside become more and more real, they are forced to make difficult choices in order to protect themselves and each other.

Along the way, Faith meets a group of survivors led by a charismatic but dangerous man (played by actor Brian Bosworth), who offers her a chance to join his community and find safety. But as she begins to learn more about this man and his true motives, Faith realizes that she will have to fight for her family's survival and for her own soul.

The Reliant is a moving and powerful story that explores themes of faith, perseverance, and survival in a world gone mad. With a talented cast, stunning visuals, and a gripping storyline, this film is one that will stay with audiences long after the credits roll.

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