The Rape of Recy Taylor is a documentary film directed by Nancy Buirski, released in 2017. The film tells the story of Recy Taylor, a young black woman who was gang-raped by six white men in 1944 Alabama. Despite threats to her life, Recy Taylor courageously spoke out and identified her attackers. However, the legal system in the Jim Crow South failed to bring her attackers to justice.

The film explores the legacy of violence and sexual abuse towards black women in the Southern states, and how the justice system and society as a whole failed to protect them. The documentary also reveals the key role played by Rosa Parks, who was then an investigator for the NAACP, in bringing national attention to Recy Taylor's case. Parks organized rallies and protests, demanding justice for Recy Taylor and working to change the attitudes and laws that allowed such violence to continue.

In addition to interviews with Recy Taylor's family members and experts on the history of racial violence in America, the film features reenactments of Taylor's story, portraying the brutal attack and the aftermath.

The Rape of Recy Taylor has been praised for shedding light on a little-known chapter of American history and for highlighting the resilience and bravery of black women like Recy Taylor who fought for justice and equality in the face of incredible adversity.

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