The Quiet Epidemic is a documentary film that explores the controversial topic of Chronic Lyme disease. The film follows the stories of several patients who suffer from the debilitating symptoms of the illness that is often misdiagnosed and mistreated by the medical community.

As the film delves into the history and science behind Lyme disease, it uncovers a shocking truth - that the tick-borne illness has been allowed to spread globally due to a web of vested interests, including pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, and medical associations. The film exposes how the scientific community ignored evidence and dismissed the true extent of the epidemic for decades, while patients struggled with a disease that was often dismissed as imaginary or psychosomatic.

The Quiet Epidemic features interviews with leading experts, including doctors, researchers, activists, and patients who have been affected by Lyme disease. These interviews provide a sobering and eye-opening look into the medical and political complexities of the disease, including the controversy surrounding the diagnosis and treatment of Chronic Lyme disease.

Ultimately, The Quiet Epidemic is a powerful call to action, urging a re-examination of the way Lyme disease is diagnosed, treated, and researched. It highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive and collaborative approach that places the well-being of patients above politics and profits.

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