The Queen's Corgi is a 2019 animated adventure comedy film directed by Ben Stassen and Vincent Kesteloot. The film is about the life of a royal corgi named Rex who lives a life of luxury at Buckingham Palace as the queen's favorite pet. Rex is arrogant and selfish, often causing trouble with his fellow corgis and getting himself into dangerous situations.

During an official dinner with the President of the United States, Rex causes a diplomatic incident that leads to him being sent away from the palace. Betrayed by one of his fellow corgis, Rex becomes a stray dog in the streets of London and must learn to survive on his own.

Through a series of adventures, Rex meets a variety of other dogs and animals and learns the value of friendship, loyalty, and courage. He also falls in love with a beautiful poodle named Wanda and must protect her from a dangerous gang of dogs who want to use her as part of their criminal schemes.

As Rex navigates the dangerous world of London's streets, he begins to realize that he can be a hero and redeem himself in the eyes of the queen. With the help of his new friends and his own courage, Rex must face his fears and save the day in order to regain his rightful place at Buckingham Palace.

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