The Professional, also known as Le Professionnel, is a 1981 French thriller film directed by Georges Lautner and starring Jean-Paul Belmondo. The film follows Joss Baumont, a French secret agent who is tasked with assassinating the president of an African country, Njala. However, just as he is about to complete his mission, he receives a counter-order and is left to be captured by foreign authorities.

Baumont is interrogated and tortured but manages to escape and goes on the run. He is determined to complete his mission and seek revenge against those who betrayed him. Along the way, he meets and teams up with an African revolutionary, Captain Koussou, who helps him in his quest.

As Baumont gets closer to his target, he becomes involved in a web of political intrigue and corruption. He discovers that his superiors had betrayed him to protect their own interests, and that Njala is not the villain they had made him out to be.

In the climactic scene, Baumont confronts Njala and must decide whether to carry out his mission or spare the life of the man he had been sent to kill. The film ends with Baumont walking away from the scene, leaving the audience to wonder about his ultimate decision and fate.

The Professional was a critical and commercial success and is now considered a classic of French cinema. It is known for its thrilling action sequences, complex plot, and the charismatic performance of Jean-Paul Belmondo.

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