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The Cardinal's Battle for Freedom

Drama  United Kingdom 

The cardinal in question is Cardinal Josef Mindzenty, who was the Archbishop of Esztergom in Hungary during World War II and the subsequent communist regime. In the film, he is played by Alec Guinness.

The story begins with Mindzenty's arrest in 1949, accused of treason against the Hungarian state. The charges are trumped up, and the real reason for his arrest is his outspoken opposition to the communist regime.

Mindzenty is interrogated by Colonel Janos Rakosi, a ruthless and cynical officer of the secret police. Rakosi is determined to break Mindzenty's spirit and force him to confess to crimes he did not commit, in order to destroy his influence over the Hungarian people.

As the interrogation progresses, Rakosi uses a variety of techniques to try and break Mindzenty's resolve, including physical and psychological torture, and playing on his sense of guilt over the deaths of many people who were killed by the Nazis during the war, despite his efforts to protect them.

Despite the brutality of the interrogations, Mindzenty refuses to confess to anything that might harm his people or his conscience. He remains steadfast in his resistance to the communist authorities, even as he is sentenced to life imprisonment and forced to endure years of isolation and hardship.

Ultimately, however, the film shows the power of Mindzenty's steadfast resistance and his refusal to compromise his beliefs, even in the face of extreme adversity.

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