The Prince of Egypt is an animated musical film released by DreamWorks Animation in 1998. The movie is based on the biblical story of Moses and the Exodus. It was directed by Brenda Chapman, Steve Hickner, and Simon Wells and features an ensemble voice cast including Val Kilmer, Ralph Fiennes, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sandra Bullock, Jeff Goldblum, Danny Glover, and Patrick Stewart.

The film opens with the enslaved Israelites in ancient Egypt praying for a savior to deliver them from Pharaoh's oppression. Meanwhile, the Pharaoh Seti's wife, Queen Tuya, discovers a baby floating in a basket on the Nile River and decides to adopt him as her own son, naming him Moses. Moses is raised as a prince alongside his adoptive brother Ramses and is unaware of his true origins.

As they grow up, Moses and Ramses develop a close bond, but Moses struggles to come to terms with his identity and heritage. When he learns the truth about his past, he is compelled to leave the palace and join his fellow Hebrews in their struggle for freedom. Guided by his faith and accompanied by his wife Tzipporah, his brother Aaron, and a cast of other memorable characters, Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea, defying Pharaoh's wrath and fulfilling his destiny as the chosen leader of his people.

Filled with soaring musical numbers and breathtaking animation, The Prince of Egypt is a timeless story of faith, courage, and redemption that continues to captivate audiences of all ages.

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