The Platform is a Spanish science-fiction thriller film written and directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia. The film is set in a vertical prison where the inmates are assigned to levels and share a platform that descends to each floor. The platform has plenty of food at the top levels, but the lower levels have to survive on the leftovers of the higher levels.

The story follows the character Goreng (played by Ivan Massague), who wakes up in the prison on level 48 alongside a cellmate, Trimagasi (played by Zorion Eguileor). Trimagasi tells Goreng about the rules of the prison and how to survive. Goreng attempts to ration the food, but his cellmate eats everything regardless of the consequences. As they descend further down the levels, they encounter different inmates, each with their own motive to stay alive.

The film explores themes of greed, survival, and the societal class system. It has been described as a commentary on capitalism and the dangers of a society divided by class. The ending leaves the viewers with an ambiguous and haunting impression of the world in which they live.

The Platform premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2019 and was released worldwide on Netflix in March 2020. It was a critical and commercial success, receiving praise for its thought-provoking storyline and cinematography.

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