The Plagiarists is a 2019 independent film directed by Peter Parlow and written by James N. Kienitz Wilkins. The movie revolves around a young couple, Tyler and Anna, who takes a weekend trip to upstate New York. While driving through a rural area, they hit a raccoon and their car breaks down, leaving them stranded.

Tyler, an aspiring filmmaker, decides to use this opportunity to work on his script with Anna, a writer. However, they soon realize that they have forgotten to bring the charger for their laptop. As they wander around to find a place to charge their laptop, they meet an older man, Clip, who offers them a ride and a place to stay.

At Clip's house, they discover a book that has been plagiarized from an obscure French novel. The couple becomes obsessed with uncovering the plagiarism, but their pursuit leads them down an unexpected path, exposing the cultural pretensions they hold dear.

The movie explores themes of intellectual property, authenticity, and cultural appropriation, questioning the value of originality in a world that constantly recycles old ideas. The Plagiarists is a unique and thought-provoking film that challenges the viewer's assumptions about creativity and art.

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