"The Philly Kid" is a 2012 sports drama film directed by Jason Connery. The film follows an ex-NCAA champion wrestler named Dillon McCabe (played by Wes Chatham) who is released from prison after serving 10 years for accidentally killing a man during a street fight. Upon his release, Dillon reunites with his old friend, Jake (played by Devon Sawa), who has become heavily involved in mixed martial arts (MMA) and is now in debt to a dangerous local gangster, Orlando (played by Lucky Johnson).

To save Jake's life, Dillon agrees to participate in a series of underground cage fights organized by Orlando. However, there's a catch: Dillon must agree to lose all of his fights in order to clear Jake's debt. As Dillon begins to fight, he catches the attention of a high-powered MMA promoter, Brody James (played by Neal McDonough), who offers him a chance at redemption and the potential for a lucrative career in professional MMA.

But as Dillon continues to fight, he discovers corruption and criminal activity behind the scenes of the MMA world, leading him to question his decisions and alliances. He also begins to confront the demons of his past and come to terms with the mistakes he has made.

Overall, "The Philly Kid" is a gritty and intense film that explores themes of redemption, loyalty, and corruption within the world of MMA. It features strong performances from its cast, including Wes Chatham, Devon Sawa, and Neal McDonough.

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