The Perfection is a psychological thriller movie released in 2018. It centers around two talented cellists, Charlotte and Elizabeth. Charlotte (Allison Williams) was a former student at an elite music academy, which Elizabeth (Logan Browning) now attends. When the two meet, they quickly develop a bond over their shared passion for music.

However, things take a dark turn as Charlotte introduces Elizabeth to her unconventional methods of playing the cello. As they embark on a trip together, it becomes clear that Charlotte may have ulterior motives, and Elizabeth begins to uncover a web of lies and manipulation.

The movie explores themes of obsession, revenge, and the lengths people will go to achieve success. It also features several unexpected plot twists that keep viewers engaged until the very end.

Although the movie was met with mixed reviews, many praised the performances of Williams and Browning, as well as the cinematography and soundtrack. It has become a cult favorite among fans of psychological thrillers and is recommended for those who enjoy movies with a strong female cast and complex storytelling.

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