The Perfect Wedding Match follows the story of Maisie Jacobs, a talented programmer who finds herself dateless for her sister's wedding. Despite her reluctance to deal with her family's constant questions about her love life, Maisie decides to download the Plus Ones matchmaking app to find a suitable date for the wedding. However, to her surprise, the app matches her with the last person she would ever consider dating - her co-worker and frenemy, Jack.

As Maisie and Jack try to navigate their fake relationship, they develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other. As they spend more time together, they realize that they have more in common than they initially thought. Maisie learns that Jack is not the shallow and work-obsessed person she assumed him to be, while Jack realizes that Maisie isn't always as uptight and regimented as she appears to be.

Their fake relationship soon turns into something real, but Maisie is hesitant to take things further because of her fear of getting hurt. However, a timely intervention from her sister and an unexpected obstacle brings Maisie and Jack closer than ever. The couple ends up acknowledging their feelings for each other and confesses their love at the wedding ceremony.

The Perfect Wedding Match is a heartwarming romantic comedy that shows how love can be found in the most unexpected and unconventional places. The movie stars Danica McKellar as Maisie and Victor Webster as Jack. It was directed by Justin G. Dyck and written by Keith Cooper.

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