The Peanut Butter Solution is a Canadian fantasy film released in 1985. The film follows the story of eleven-year-old Michael, who lives with his parents and his younger sister. One day, he and his friend Conrad sneak into an abandoned mansion and stumble upon two friendly ghosts who are making magic potions in the basement. They tell Michael that peanut butter is the secret ingredient for a potion that can help someone regrow their hair.

Later that night, Michael gets scared by a group of pranksters dressed as monsters, and he loses all his hair from fright. Desperate to get his hair back, he goes back to the mansion and steals the recipe for the peanut butter potion. He makes the potion and applies it to his head, but he uses too much peanut butter, causing his hair to grow uncontrollably.

Michael tries several methods to get rid of the excess hair, but nothing works. His parents are alarmed by his appearance, and he becomes the object of ridicule at school. Meanwhile, Conrad and his sister try to help him, but they accidentally spill the rest of the potion on their dog, causing it to also grow massive amounts of hair.

Eventually, Michael and his friends come up with a plan to use his hair as a source of income by selling it to a wig manufacturer. However, they soon realize that the manufacturer is using the hair for sinister purposes. Michael and his friends must find a way to stop the manufacturer and restore their lives to normal.

The Peanut Butter Solution is a surreal and quirky film with a heartwarming message about self-acceptance and friendship. It has gained a cult following over the years and is considered a classic of Canadian cinema.

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