The Pagan Queen is a historical drama film that explores the legend of Libuse, the Slavic queen of 8th century Bohemia. The film portrays Libuse as a powerful and charismatic leader who was gifted with supernatural powers of prophecy and vision. She founded the modern city of Prague and ruled over the tribes of the region with the help of her two sisters, Kazi and Teta, and an army of women led by her best friend, the Amazon Vlasta.

However, the peaceful community of farmers that Libuse had created is soon threatened by raiders and power-hungry landowners, who want to seize control of the land. Libuse tries to unite the tribes and defend her people, but she is ultimately forced into marriage by her own people in order to secure a political alliance.

The film is notable for its depiction of women in positions of power and authority in a patriarchal society. Libuse and her sisters, along with Vlasta and her army of women, demonstrate strength, intelligence, and courage as they fight against their enemies. The film also explores themes of love, betrayal, and sacrifice, as Libuse must choose between her duty to her people and her own personal desires.

The Pagan Queen was shot on location in the Czech Republic and features a talented cast of Czech actors. The film's costumes and production design recreate the world of 8th century Bohemia with stunning detail, while the music and cinematography add to the film's sense of magic and mystery.

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