The Other Side of Heaven is a biographical drama film directed by Mitch Davis and released in 2001. It stars Christopher Gorham as John H. Groberg, and Anne Hathaway as his love interest, Jean Sabin. The film is based on John H. Groberg's memoirs, In the Eye of the Storm, which chronicles his experiences as a Mormon missionary in the Kingdom of Tonga during the 1950s.

The movie begins with John's departure from his hometown of Idaho Falls to Tonga, where he will spend three years on his mission. John is a naive but devout young man who looks forward to spreading the teachings of his faith in a faraway land. However, he quickly realizes that life in Tonga is very different from what he expected. He struggles with the language, the culture, the weather, and the isolation. He misses his family, his friends, and Jean, his girlfriend who he hopes will wait for him back home.

As John tries to find his place in his new environment, he encounters many challenges. He has to deal with unfriendly locals who mock him for his Western ways and his religion. He has to adapt to a new diet, which includes fish eyes, octopus, and other exotic delicacies. He has to learn how to survive in a place where basic necessities such as electricity and running water are a luxury. He also has to face his own doubts and fears, as he questions his faith and his purpose in life.

Despite these obstacles, John perseveres and starts to make a difference in the lives of the Tongan people. He befriends a local boy named Feki (played by Joe Folau), who becomes his loyal assistant, guide, and friend during his mission. He teaches English and helps build schools and churches. He performs miracles, such as healing sick children and overcoming a deadly storm. He also falls in love with a Tongan girl named Lavania (played by Miriama Smith), who becomes his muse and inspiration.

However, John's mission is not just about converting the Tongans to his religion. He also learns valuable lessons from them about loyalty, hospitality, generosity, and forgiveness. He learns to appreciate the simple things in life, such as family, faith, and love. He learns to overcome prejudice, ignorance, and pride. He learns to become a better person, and to see the world in a different light.

The Other Side of Heaven is a heartwarming and inspiring film that celebrates the human spirit and the power of faith. It is a tribute to the courage and sacrifice of thousands of Mormon missionaries who have served and continue to serve around the world. It is also a love story, a coming-of-age tale, and a cultural exchange that transcends boundaries of time, space, and creed. Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, this movie will touch your heart and soul, and leave you with a sense of wonder and gratitude for life.

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