The Other End of the Line is a romantic comedy film directed by James Dodson and released in 2008. The story revolves around an employee named Priya Sethi (played by Shriya Saran) who works in an Indian call center as a credit card customer service representative. One day, she receives a call from a charming customer named Granger Woodruff (played by Jesse Metcalfe) who is based in San Francisco. They strike up a flirtatious conversation, and Priya pretends to be a city girl named Jennifer David in order to impress him.

As their relationship deepens and they continue to talk on the phone, Granger invites Priya (as Jennifer) to come to San Francisco to meet him in person. Priya is hesitant at first, but with some encouragement from her friends, she decides to take a leap of faith and travel to the other side of the world to see the man she's fallen for.

When she arrives in San Francisco, Priya struggles to adapt to the culture shock and the challenges of hiding her true identity from Granger. As the truth begins to unravel, their relationship is put to the test, and Priya must decide whether to come clean or risk losing Granger forever.

The Other End of the Line touches on themes of cross-cultural romance, identity, and the power of honesty in relationships. The film also features notable supporting performances from Anupam Kher, Tara Sharma, and Larry Miller.

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