The Opps is a gritty drama that follows the story of a street hustler named Donte, who is forced to make difficult choices in order to survive on the streets. Donte is a smooth talker and a master of the game, but he quickly realizes that his enemies are closer than he once thought.

As Donte navigates the dangerous world of drug dealing and gang violence, he finds himself torn between two competing forces: his devious wife, who is always looking out for her own interests, and his childhood friends, who have been with him through thick and thin.

As the tension mounts and tempers flare, Donte realizes that he can trust no one but himself - and even that may not be enough to keep him alive. With the odds stacked against him, he must use all of his skills and cunning to outsmart his enemies and stay one step ahead of the game.

The Opps is a thrilling and intense movie that explores the harsh realities of life on the streets, and the difficult choices that people must make in order to survive. With a powerful cast and a gripping story, this film is sure to be a hit with fans of gritty urban dramas and crime thrillers.

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