After their one night stand, the girl and guy wake up to a nationwide state of emergency. A deadly virus is spreading rapidly, and the government has issued a mandatory quarantine. The two strangers are forced to stay together in the guy's small apartment as they wait for the quarantine to end.

At first, the girl and guy are awkward and uncomfortable around each other. They come from different worlds and have different priorities: the girl is a free spirit who values experiences over stability, while the guy is more responsible and puts his career first. However, as they spend more time together, they start to open up and learn more about each other.

As the days pass, the situation outside worsens, and they realize that they might be stuck together for longer than they expected. They start to rely on each other for emotional support and begin to develop feelings. But with the uncertainty of the situation, they both struggle with whether or not it's worth pursuing a relationship when they don't know what the future holds.

As they navigate this complicated situation, they also have to deal with their pasts and the issues that brought them to this point. The girl grapples with her fear of commitment and her baggage from previous relationships, while the guy struggles with his workaholic tendencies and strained family relationships.

The One You're With is a heartfelt romantic comedy that explores the unexpected connections that can form during times of crisis. Through their experiences together, the girl and guy learn about love, acceptance, and the importance of living in the moment.

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