The Odd Family: Zombie On Sale is a South Korean comedy-horror film that follows the story of a wealthy family whose lives are turned upside down when a zombie wanders into their town. The family, consisting of a father, mother, son, and daughter, soon discovers that this zombie has mysterious powers that can change their lives forever.

The zombie is discovered by the father, who runs a small dhaba in town where it attacks him. The family ties up the zombie and brings it home, where they discover that it has a strange effect on people – it can heal diseases, cure impotence, and even make people younger.

The family decides to take advantage of the zombie's powers by selling its blood and using it to make a healing potion for the villagers. As they market the zombie's special abilities, they come across a group of gangsters who try to take the zombie away from them.

As the family fights to keep the zombie, they discover that it is not the only zombie in town. They must fight against a group of zombies who have come to claim the town for themselves. The zombie that they have been keeping turns out to be a hybrid with the ability to control other zombies, and they must use it to save the town and their own lives.

The Odd Family: Zombie On Sale is a unique take on the zombie genre, with plenty of humor, heart, and scares along the way. It explores themes of family, love, and the impact that one small creature can have on an entire community.

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