Jake and Tina are Americans living in London, and they are living a lifestyle that is beyond their means. They are staying in an expensive hotel and are accumulating a significant debt. After a lavish dinner one night, their credit card is declined, and they are asked to pay the bill immediately. Facing embarrassment, Jake suggests that they sell Tina's prized Henry Moore sculpture to cover the debt.

Jake and Tina hatch a plan to fake the theft of the sculpture by hiding it and reporting it stolen to collect insurance money. However, afterwards, the sculpture really does get stolen by an unknown thief.

The insurance investigator assigned to their case, Mr. McCabe, is suspicious of Jake and Tina's story and begins to investigate. As they attempt to cover their tracks, the couple's relationship becomes increasingly strained.

Jake and Tina's financial problems spiral out of control, leading them to make desperate decisions. They begin to suspect each other of stealing the sculpture after it goes missing, and their marriage starts to crumble under the stress.

Ultimately, Jake is caught trying to sell the sculpture, and he is arrested and deported back to the United States. Tina is left alone to face the consequences of their scheme and the loss of the sculpture she loves.

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