In the movie "The Oath," set in 400 A.D., the story follows a Hebraic fugitive living in Ancient America. The protagonist finds himself in a perilous situation as he is the sole guardian of the history and knowledge of his fallen nation. In a world ruled by a ruthless tyrant, the fugitive must navigate through dangerous territories while being relentlessly pursued by the despotic ruler's henchmen.

Amidst this treacherous journey, the fugitive discovers that the King's mistress is being mistreated and abused by her powerful lover. Driven by a sense of justice and compassion, the protagonist takes it upon himself to rescue the King's mistreated mistress, despite knowing the grave risks involved.

However, in trying to save the mistress, the fugitive inadvertently awakens a long-buried warrior's past within himself. As he becomes more entangled in the conflict between the tyrant and his pursuit of justice, the fugitive must reconcile with his past and find the strength to confront the tyrant head-on.

Throughout the movie, the fugitive's quest to preserve his nation's history intertwines with his determination to protect the oppressed and seek retribution against the tyrant. This action-packed tale of survival and redemption explores themes of identity, honor, and the courage to stand up against injustice even in the face of overwhelming odds.

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