The Normal Heart is a 2014 television film directed by Ryan Murphy and written by Larry Kramer, based on his Tony Award-winning play of the same name. The movie follows Ned Weeks (played by Mark Ruffalo), a gay activist and writer, as he tries to raise awareness about the HIV/AIDS crisis that is devastating New York's gay community in the early 1980s. Along with his friends and fellow activists, including Dr. Emma Brookner (played by Julia Roberts) and Bruce Niles (played by Taylor Kitsch), Ned struggles against the city's apathetic response to the disease, the medical establishment's lack of urgency, and the prevailing homophobia that only compounds the crisis.

As the death toll mounts and Ned becomes increasingly frustrated with the government's inaction, he clashes with his conservative politician brother Ben (played by Alfred Molina) and his own boyfriend Felix (played by Matt Bomer). The film depicts the social and political climate of the time, as gay men are stigmatized and treated as pariahs, and public officials dismiss the epidemic as a problem confined to the gay community. Through Ned's tireless efforts and the dedication of his friends and allies, the film shows how activism and advocacy can lead to real change, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. The Normal Heart is a powerful and emotional portrayal of a pivotal moment in American history, and a tribute to those who fought tirelessly for the recognition and rights of those affected by HIV/AIDS.

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