The Nightmare Nanny is a suspenseful thriller movie that first aired on Lifetime in 2013. The film centers around Annie (played by Ashley Scott), a stay-at-home mom who is hesitant to return to work and leave her young daughter, Jenny (played by Mekenna Melvin), in someone else's care. After interviewing several nannies, Annie finally finds Amber (played by Kip Pardue), who seems to be the perfect fit for her family.

As time passes, Annie notices that Amber is becoming increasingly possessive of Jenny and is starting to push her out of their lives. Annie starts to feel uneasy about the situation but isn't sure what she can do about it. Then, one day, Jenny suddenly disappears, and Annie's worst fears are realized.

Determined to find her missing daughter, Annie starts investigating Amber's past and uncovers shocking secrets about the unstable woman she trusted with her child. The search for Jenny leads Annie down a dangerous path, filled with dark and twisted revelations that put her in harm's way.

The Nightmare Nanny is a gripping and suspenseful movie that explores the dangers of trusting strangers with our most precious possessions. The film is a cautionary tale for parents who may be considering leaving their children in the care of others and highlights the importance of thorough vetting and background checks when hiring a nanny.

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