The Night Flier is a horror film that was released in 1997. The movie follows two investigative reporters working for the tabloid magazine, Inside View, as they attempt to track down a serial killer who is known as "The Night Flier".

The killer, who travels by private plane, targets victims in rural airports and then disappears without a trace. One of the reporters, Richard Dees, becomes obsessed with catching the killer and begins to suspect that he may be a vampire.

As Dees follows a trail of bloody murders across the country, his suspicion of the killer's vampiric nature grows stronger. He eventually tracks down the killer to a remote airport in Maine where he confronts him and finally learns the truth about his true identity.

The Night Flier is a dark and eerie tale that explores the themes of addiction and obsession. The movie also delves into the terror of the unknown and the power of the imagination. With its strong performances and excellent direction, The Night Flier is a must-see for any horror movie fan.

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