The Night Eats the World is a French zombie horror film directed by Dominique Rocher and starring Anders Danielsen Lie as Sam. The film is based on the book of the same name by Pit Agarmen and follows the story of Sam, a man who wakes up in an apartment in Paris after a wild party only to find himself alone in a city that has been overrun by zombies.

The film is set entirely inside the apartment building where Sam has barricaded himself to survive the zombie apocalypse. As he struggles to adapt to his new reality, Sam begins to unravel emotionally and psychologically. He starts hearing voices and seeing hallucinations, which further intensify his sense of isolation and fear.

As Sam attempts to survive in his new world, he also begins to explore the surrounding apartments for food and supplies, and encounters other survivors. However, the relationships he forms are often tenuous due to the extreme circumstances they find themselves in, and he must constantly reevaluate whom he can trust.

Throughout the film, The Night Eats the World offers a unique perspective on the zombie genre by focusing on the psychological toll that the apocalypse takes on the survivors. The film is notable for its slow burn pacing, minimalist approach, and dark, melancholic atmosphere. It has been praised for its strong performances and clever twists, making it a must-watch for fans of the horror and zombie genres.

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