Moro, a musician and former drug addict, travels to Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan to collect a large sum of money owed to him by an old friend. Upon arriving, Moro learns that his friend has disappeared and he is left stranded in a city he barely knows.

Moro decides to visit his ex-girlfriend Dina, who he had left behind when he left Alma-Ata. He finds her in a rundown apartment, addicted to morphine and living with a dangerous drug dealer named Sergey.

After learning that Dina's addiction is a direct result of Sergey's manipulation and violence, Moro decides to help her kick the habit. With the help of a local doctor, the two begin a grueling withdrawal process.

As Moro and Dina's relationship rekindles, they uncover a larger plot involving the drug mafia and corrupt local officials. Moro becomes determined to fight against the corruption and save Dina from the dangerous world she has been trapped in.

The Needle is a dramatic and intense portrayal of addiction, love, and the fight against corruption. The film features powerful performances from its lead actors, and the haunting soundtrack perfectly sets the mood for this gripping story.

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