The Nanny Express is a heartwarming drama movie that primarily focuses on a father named David Chandler and his two children, Ben and Emily. The movie begins with the tragic death of their mother, leaving David as a single parent struggling to take care of his children while managing his job as a college professor.

David's job commitments force him to hire a series of nannies to take care of his children. However, Emily and Ben are known for their mischievous antics, which make the job difficult for each nanny David hires.

Kate Hewitt, a graduate student, applies to be the kids' nanny, and David hires her after much consideration. Initially, Emily and Ben continue their usual behavior and try to get Kate to quit. But, Kate is not deterred and slowly wins Ben over with her kindness and warmth.

Unexpectedly, David and Kate start to develop feelings for each other, and Emily decides that she must intervene. She sets out to break them up and match her father with her ballet teacher, who she believes is the perfect match for him.

As the story evolves, Emily realizes the error of her ways and starts to appreciate Kate's presence in their lives. The Nanny Express is a touching story that highlights the importance of family, love, and the struggles that parents face while single-handedly raising their children.

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