"The Nameless Days" is a supernatural horror film directed by Jeremy Lutter and written by Doug Taylor. The film stars Aliocha Schneider as Rahui and Brittany Allen as his sister, who are fleeing their home country due to political unrest and seeking refuge in the United States.

During their journey, they encounter a demonic spirit that attacks them and separates them. Rahui is injured, and his sister is taken by the demon. Determined to save her, Rahui must navigate through unfamiliar and dangerous terrain while facing other obstacles, including hostile human smugglers and border patrol agents.

As he gets closer to rescuing his sister, Rahui discovers the true nature of the demon and realizes that it is after something more than just its customary prey. His sister is pregnant, and the demon wants to take her baby.

"The Nameless Days" is a dark and suspenseful film that deals with themes of immigration, survival, family, and the supernatural. It blends horror with drama and has been praised for its unique take on the genre.

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