The Monkey King Caused Havoc in Dragon Palace Movie online streaming websites

Drought of Power: Sun Wukong's Epic Battle for Balance

Fantasy,Action  N/A 

The Monkey King Caused Havoc in Dragon Palace begins with a narration about the calamity that has befallen the world due to the drought caused by powerful monsters. Sun Wukong, the arrogant yet powerful Monkey King, and his friend Chikaoma Monkey, live near the Mountain Huaguo that has a water source and hence has been targeted by the monsters. They go to the nearby village to find that the villagers are almost helpless against the monsters that regularly raid the village. Sun Wukong decides to investigate the cause of the drought as well as find a suitable weapon to fight the monsters.

Meanwhile, the East Sea Treasure Competition is about to begin, and the winner will be awarded the Ruyijingu Cudgel, which is believed to be a powerful weapon. Sun Wukong and Chikaoma decide to participate in the competition and make their way to the Dragon Palace, the venue of the competition. They encounter a beautiful mermaid, the Little Dragon Princess, who is the organizer of the competition. Sun Wukong's arrogance gets him into trouble, and he is disqualified from the competition.

To make matters worse, Sun Wukong gets involved in an intrigue when he learns about a plot to steal the Ruyijingu Cudgel. The evil dragon, Aoluan, who has been banished from the dragon kingdom for his treachery, wants to destroy the human world, and he sees the Ruyijingu Cudgel as the means to achieve his goal. Sun Wukong vows to protect the Ruyijingu Cudgel and stop Aoluan from causing further harm.

With the help of the Little Dragon Princess and the other participants of the competition, Sun Wukong manages to defeat Aoluan and his army of monsters. He obtains the Ruyijingu Cudgel, which proves to be a powerful weapon and defeats all the monsters that had been harassing Mountain Huaguo. The Little Dragon Princess, who has grown fond of Sun Wukong, bids him farewell, and he returns to his home. The villagers welcome him as their savior, and the world is saved from the monsters' terror and the drought.

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