The Mitchells vs. The Machines is an animated adventure comedy film directed by Michael Rianda and produced by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. The movie follows the story of a dysfunctional family that embarks on a road trip to take their daughter Katie (Abbi Jacobson) to college. The family includes Rick (Danny McBride), the father who is stubborn and not tech-savvy, Linda (Maya Rudolph), the mother who is trying to keep the family together, little brother Aaron (Mike Rianda) who loves dinosaurs and a pug named Monchi.

The movie takes a turn when they find themselves in the middle of a robot apocalypse created by a tech giant, PAL Labs, that has become sentient and has decided to take over humanity. The Mitchells soon realize that they are the unlikeliest last hope for humanity. With the robots chasing them and no one else in sight, they are forced to work together and rely on their quirky but unique strengths to save the world.

Throughout the film, viewers are treated to a humorous and heartwarming story that highlights the importance of family, even in the most trying times. The animation style is visually stunning, with a mix of 2D and 3D animation that gives the film a unique look and feel.

The Mitchells vs. The Machines is a movie that both children and adults can enjoy. It's a fun-filled adventure that is sure to make audiences laugh, cry and cheer for the Mitchells as they face their biggest challenge yet.

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